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Whenwe need to translate a passage, people often discuss literal translation andfree translation. Which one is better? Especially, target language must expressthe meaning of source language , and distortion is not allowed. Literal translationand free translation are two main ways of translation. Literal translation, ifpossible, we had better employ it, or else we should resort to freetranslation. Literal translation often retains the original meaning. Whenliteral translation encounters some obstacles, free translation is a resort.

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Literaltranslation is to translate a sentence in a literal manner or the closestmeaning and keep the original message construction of the sentence, the meaningof the original words and the metaphor of the original. Free translationexpresses a general ideal of the original, and can be accepted by readers. If atranslator wants to translate an article perfectly, he should employ bothliteral translation and free translation. copyright paper51.com

2. The conception of literal translation and free translation. copyright paper51.com

Whentranslating, we should not use only one way about literal translation or freetranslation. According to the passage we are translating, literal translationshould be used frequently and use free translation when necessary. But whatkind of translation is literal translation? And what kind of translation isfree translation?

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Literal translation and free translationare two basic skills for translation. Literal translation is to translate asentence originally, keep the original message form, construction of the sentence,meaning of the original words, and metaphor of the original. Translation shouldbe fluent and easy to be comprehended by target language readers.     According to the meaning of the original,free translation, without paying much attention to the details, would also befluent and natural. Free translation needs not be paid attention to the form ofthe original, construction of the original sentences, meanings of the originalworks, metaphor of the original, but free translation does not mean to deleteor add content to the original and translators must consider the originalcarefully, know its point, translate it naturally and express the meaning ofthe original accurately. Translation is a skill that requirestranslators know the cultures of both source language and target language, andextensive knowledge. copyright paper51.com
