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摘 要

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本文从简笔画以及初中生心理特点角度研究,探讨了简笔画在初中英语词汇和语法教学中的运用。旨在证明简笔画是一种提高我国英语教学水平的有效方法。简笔画能激发初中生学习英语的兴趣, 帮助学生记忆单词,理解语法知识。

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

关键词:简笔画;帮助;初中生; 兴趣





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内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com


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1.Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 http://www.paper51.com

1.1 Other Peoples’ Contribution to StickFigures---------------------------------------1 http://www.paper51.com

2. Introducing StickFigures--------------------------------------------------------------------2 内容来自www.paper51.com

2.1 Stick Figures’Roles-------------------------------------------------------------------3 paper51.com

2.2 A Middle School Student’sPsychology--------------------------------------------4


2.3 Cognitive Developmentof Junior Middle SchoolStudents----------------------6 copyright paper51.com

3. The Application of Stick Figures in EnglishTeaching-----------------------------------7

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3.1 WordTeaching-------------------------------------------------------------------------7

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.1.1 Teaching EnglishVocabulary------------------------------------------------7 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.1.2 Distinguishing BetweenSynonyms-----------------------------------------9


3.1.3 Comparison BetweenAntonyms-------------------------------------------10 paper51.com

3.2 To Teach EnglishGrammar---------------------------------------------------------11


4. Some Considerations when Using Stick Figures----------------------------------------13

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References---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 内容来自www.paper51.com

1. Introduction  http://www.paper51.com

  Nowadays, English is generally recognized as a commonly used language inthe world. Considerable numbers of speakers in non-English speaking countriesare needed by society, and the fluency requirements are increasing. Just asComrade Li Lanqing said: Popularizing foreign language, nurturing foreignlanguage talent, improving foreign language teaching methods and teachinglevels are not only common teaching concerns but also important issues. (www.educast.cn)They influence our country’s implementation of the open door policy and propelsour country’s economy and social development. We can infer from this both amotivating force and pressure to increase the number of foreign languagelearners and to improve the way they are taught. For a long time, people havebeen continuously trying to find new and efficient teaching methods.


Inorder to nurture qualified foreign language talent, the junior middle schoolstage is crucial, because that is where students start to learn English. TheTeaching Outline of Middle School English Compulsory Education points out thatwhen teaching English to beginner students, we should make the widest possibleuse of audiovisual aids, acting and other methods in order that students candirectly comprehend English. I hold that using stick figures, as a visual aid,is a simple and effective teaching method to teach English vocabulary andgrammar in middle schools. What are stick figure? What are their features? Whatroles do teaching stick figures have? How should we use stick figures forteaching English? These are the questions I will answer in this paper.

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