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摘 要

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《了不起的盖茨比》堪称美国悲剧的一首绝唱。在这部作品中作者通过一个即在圈内又在圈外的清醒的观察者尼克揭示了人物形象的本质,点出小说的主题。本文将对尼克情感变化过程进行分析,探讨其对塑造盖茨比的形象和揭示20年代美国梦的衰败这一主题所起到的重要作用。 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

关键词:尼克;情感变化;尼克的作用 http://www.paper51.com



Statement ofAuthorship. i 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Acknowledgements. ii copyright paper51.com

Abstract iii


摘 要... iv http://www.paper51.com

1. Introduction. 1


2.Nick’s Role in the Novel 2 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3. Nick’s Emotional Growth. 3 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.1 Nick’s Journey. 4


3.2 Emotional Growth. 5 paper51.com

3.2.1 Nick’s Attitude towards Gatsby. 5


3.2.2 Nick and His American Dream.. 6


4. The Performance of Nick’s Role. 8 http://www.paper51.com

4.1 Nick’s Performance in Shaping the Reader’s Perceptionof Gatsby. 9


4.2 Nick’s Performance in Revealing the Theme. 11 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

5. Conclusion. 13 内容来自www.paper51.com

Works Cited. 14 copyright paper51.com

1. Introduction 内容来自www.paper51.com

The Great Gatsby is regarded as FrancisScott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece and “a literary classic” (Wu 168). The famousBritish poet and critic T.S.Eliot once concluded that “it was the first stepthat American fiction has taken since Henry James” (Wilson 310). paper51.com

Because this work is a very famous piece ofliterature, much research has been done on this novel. Some scholars focus onthe themes of this novel. For instance, in Fitzgerald by Wu Jianguo, the author points out that Fitzgerald in TheGreat Gatsby reveals the collapse of an American dream and moraldegradation with a perfect artistic form. Some scholars highlight the work’snarrative technique. For example, in the seventh chapter of Essays of the20th Century English and American Literature by Chen Aimin,the author explores the novel’s narrative technique. But with regard to the characterof Nick, many scholars focus on his narrative point of view, and few make anin-depth analysis of his emotional growth through the development of Gatsby’stragedy.


As the narrator of the novel, Nick plays apivotal role in this novel. He not only narrates the story but serves as thevehicle for Fitzgerald’s thoughts. As Brian Phillips points out, “ThoughGatsby’s power to transform his dream into reality is what makes him ‘great’,Nick reflects that the era of dreaming—both Gatsby’s dream and the AmericanDream—is over” (11). Hence, analyzing the character of Nick will provide anothernew perspective from which to interpret the novel. http://www.paper51.com

This paper will cover the character of Nick and try toexplain Nick’s role and his inner world through his involvement in Gatsby’sdestruction. And by discussing how Nick’s emotional growth helps to shape thecharacter of Gatsby and deepen the theme—the decline of the American Dream inthe 1920s—this paper aims for a better understanding of the hero Gatsby and thenovel.

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