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In Pound’s art there is, almost paradoxically, a distrustof language, especially of writing, which extended into a similar distrust ofmoney. Money, like language, circulates with no real certainty that the object whichit ‘represents’ will ever be restored. Like language, money is peculiarlygroundless. Pound’s long anti-Semitic campaign in his work takes root in hisdeveloping theory, throughout the later 1920s and 1930s, that corruption of themeaning of words and corruption of the value of money could be blamed on Jews. 内容来自www.paper51.com

    In 1948 Pound published a bookcalled The Pisan Cantos. This series of works had been written in Pisain 1945, when Pound was under arrest for treason by US forces. At one pointheld on death row, later moved on account of his age (he was 60), these wereunpromising circumstances for the composition of a major masterpiece. Not only that, the matter of the Pisan Cantos was a lamentfor the defeat of Mussolini and Italian Fascism, a similarly unpromising matteras far as many English-speaking readers might have been concerned at that time.Yet The Pisan Cantos is a remarkable work which sets a new standard inmodern poetry. Pound finds an idiom, based on the brevity, allusiveness, and juxtapositionsof Imagism that is a perfect vehicle for a review of his own life and untimelyentry into history[4]. The fragments which make up these Cantosconcern the whole of his thought, the people he has known, the art he has lovedand the places he has visited, all combined in a lament which is also an aggressivedefiance of the forces that have eclipsed the developing experiment in socialorganization which (as Pound saw it) the defeat of Italy had cruelly ended. Thesorrowful tones in which he insists that his idea of an ideal state can bepreserved in his mind, even if the attempt to realize it has been destroyed, ispresented in terms of great grace and economy, juxtaposing the personal and thecultural in an idiom which seems to come easily yet which is hard won. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Amongthe imagistic poems of Pound, the one that can help us know his writing style inthe poem “In a Station of the Metro”

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