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3.2 The Function of Body Language in EnglishTeaching


3.2.1 The Different SensesNeeded in English Learning


The psychology study shows that the left and right hemispheres controlthe function of human’s brain. The left hemisphere takes charge of the logicand sense, including the language. The right hemisphere takes charge of thefeelings, creativity and imagination, including the emotion. In fact, the useof body language makes students get a consciousness firstly with right hemisphere,and then express it in language with the help of left hemisphere. In this way,the two hemispheres work by turns, which exerts the potentiality of the brain.The body language in English teaching causes student’s aspiring emotional tasteand also lets student study in a carefree situation; body language will improvetheir learning enthusiasms directly. Czechic educationist Johann Amos Comeniussaid: any knowledge starts from senses. (谢冰,2006:P1) His words reflect an important aspect about cognition rules inEnglish teaching process. The body language changes the abstract knowledge intoconcrete and visual one that helps students to comprehend and memorize. As weall know, the voice with accompanying paralinguistic features will impress thestudents greater than a printed text and voice alone. (蔡平,2004:P3) So an English teacher should try to arouse students’different senses in order to improve the teaching effect. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.2.2 The Function of BodyLanguage in English Teaching


Body language is animportant media through which people communicate with each other. It refers tothe patterns of facial expressions and gestures that people use to expresstheir feelings in communication. The specialist on body language research, Fen.Lafle. Angles, once said: “Once it was lost, a baby could not have grown into anormal person”. (Zhnag Le, 2005) It is also true to the juveniles. In schooleducation, body language plays a positive role in cultivating the students’characters. As the teachers are usually respectable, and factually, what or howthe teachers say and do will be possible to be imitated by the students. In oneword, teachers’ graceful body language helps to improve the students’ artistic—appreciationand moral character. If the students develop a wonderful body language, whichwill lead them to form an optimistic and active feeling, they will surely havemore smooth interpersonal relation. The success that students profited from anEnglish teacher’s body language would cause them to admire their teachers andbe interested in English learning. http://www.paper51.com

The affectionof teacher’s body language on the students is reflected not only byestablishing a good example for them, but also shortening the teacher—studentestrangement. Body language can create a harmonious environment that encouragesthe students’ enthusiasm of studying. Furthermore, the characteristics oftheoretic and abstraction of knowledge also require the vivid, dramatic andaccessible gestures to make them specific and figurative. As a result, thestudents’ interest is motivated and the teaching effect is improved. copyright paper51.com
