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2.5.2 Ways to Treat Students

    In order to build up a new kind ofteacher-student relations, teachers should have a sense of equality betweenteachers and students. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

    First, teachers should create an equaland harmonious atmosphere in which students will feel comfortable, not uneasy. paper51.com

   Secondly, teachers should try tounderstand the inner world of students, feel their feelings, imagine themselvesto be in a students’ position, and have a share in their sentiment. At the sametime, teachers are expected to exchange ideas with students and make themunderstand teachers. copyright paper51.com

As far as teaching relation isconcerned, the teacher performs teaching, and students accept it. When it comesto psychological relations, a teacher is a pivot and students respond to itactively. It follows that a teacher has the main role in teacher-studentrelations and her or his behavior plays the decisive role in building a goodteacher-student relations. paper51.com

3. English Teaching

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3.1 Factors Influencing English Teaching 内容来自www.paper51.com

In China, English is a foreign language. In Yunnan province,many teachers find that their teaching achieves little and students find thattheir English is poor. paper51.com

    What are factors influencingthe English teaching in Yunnan? 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

(1)Objectiveenvironment. Yunnan is a frontier region in China. Its economy and cultureare less developed that other developed provinces. At some places in Yunnan,people are in ill informed and they do not even think learning English ispractical. The single purpose of learning English is to get an excellent gradeor to be admitted to a higher school. Students are deprived of interest inlearning English.


(2) Teaching methods.A teaching method may not be suitable for all students. The new teachingmaterial is of different features, content, etc. and it requires new teachingmethods so that many teachers, who have never used new junior high teachingmaterials and know little about new senior high school teaching materials, havedifficulties in teaching. http://www.paper51.com

(3) Students & learning 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

First, students have not mastered the right way of learningEnglish. As a foreign language, it is new to them, they do not know how tolearn it and what to learn. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Second, students do notpay enough attention to their English study. They have no clear idea aboutlearning English. Of course, there are some other reasons why some of them haveno interest in English. Learning English passively is popular among them.

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(4) Teacher-student relations.It also has an impact on English teaching. paper51.com

A wide range of individual differences has been identified asfactors that affect English learning and the use of language learningstrategies. To probe into the nature of strategy use and development, bothresearchers and teachers should take into account the internal factors such asage, intelligence, personality, learning style, attitude, motivation, andlanguage proficiency. Besides, external factors like teaching methods andmaterials, means of assessment, degree of learner autonomy, and other culturaland social variables also contribute to the diverse choice of learningstrategies. Thus, it is not our aim just to simply group learners into“successful” and “unsuccessful” types and describe them in a dichotomousmanner. Rather, we need to help the students recognize and understand thatthere is a wide range of variables and choices in the language learningprocess, and that to make intelligent judgments and choices are essential inboth language teaching and language learning.

