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iii Monitoring or reviewing attention to a task,monitoring comprehension for information that should be remembered, ormonitoring production while it is occurring;

iv Evaluating or checking comprehension aftercompletion of a receptive language activity, or evaluating language productionafter it has taken place.

Social/affective strategies have three strategies:

i Cooperation,or work with one or more peers to solve a problem;

ii Questioningfor clarification, or asking a teacher or other native speaker for repetition,paraphrase, explanation;

iii Self-talk,or using mental control to assure oneself that a learning activity will besuccessful. 2.2 Related Research

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Environment factors



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Teaching quality


English score 内容来自www.paper51.com

Learn method 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Manage method


Study content

Study factors

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Intelligence /ability oflanguage http://www.paper51.com

Motivation / level of effort                                                    paper51.com

Cognitive / emotional characteristic    

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The picture of language learningstrategies (Weng, 1996)


From this picture, we can know, there havetwo important factors effect learning second language, they are Internal andexternal factors, they are influence and constraints each other, but in my paper onlydiscuss learning methods, I think methods play a very important role in any learning,it like the street lights guiding our direction.


(Allen,2002:1) “For many years, however, programs that prepared language teacher gavelittle attention to techniques for helping students learn vocabulary.” Inteaching process, vocabulary teaching lack efficient methods in junior highschool, especially in the rural. So,teacher should improve their knowledge to help the students. (Zhang, 2004:53) “Researchersfound that successful language learners employ a wide variety of strategies,which demonstrate their active involvement in language.” Various learningstrategies can help the students feel that learning is very interesting and easy.Learning is not just boring. (Schmitt & McCarthy, 2002:201) “Thehigher strategy use may be a result of learners’ awareness of the importance ofvocabulary.” (Wang, 2007:129) “Due to limited class time, students will not beable to learn all the vocabulary simple form class teaching. Thus, we need tohelp students develop items vocabulary learning strategies so that they caneffectively acquire more vocabulary on their own, especially outside the class.”So, appropriate strategies will help students learn English and improve their learningskills. http://www.paper51.com



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