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2.4 Having no good Englishlistening classes


Listening class plays a crucial role in learning Englishlistening for the students in junior middle school. Their skills of listening Englishare mostly achieved in English listening classes, and the improvement of theirEnglish listening ability mainly depends on their listening classes. So it isquite significant to have good English listening classes, Even though somestudents think it is enough to have a tape record and listen only in class. It’sthe reason why their English listening ability is not improved for long time. TheEnglish listening classes should include the three stages: pre—listening stage,while—listening stage, post—listening stage. Even though some students think itis enough to have a tape record and listen only in class. It’s the reason whytheir English listening ability is not improved for long time.            


3.Strategies on improving Junior School students’English listening ability 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

The improvementof English listening is a demanding and involved process. For junior middleschool students there are many considerable difficulties in learning English listening.To solve these problems and facilitate the development of the junior middleschool students’ English listening ability, listening strategies must be used.The use of strategies varied from text to text, and person to person. Here someuseful strategies of learning English listening are introduced to the juniormiddle school students to use in their study. http://www.paper51.com

3.1 Setting clear purposesof English listening

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Actually, listening contents for students in junior middleschool are extensive. These contents range from the texts in the books everyday to advertisements on television, from weather forecasts on the Englishradio to announcements at the railway station, and to a chat with a friend onthe telephone. Thereupon, of course, their listening purposes are diversified.Firstly, for example, when students listen to English radio or television news,knowledge which foreign teachers give them in class, instructions on how to dosomething or use a piece of equipment, the purpose of their listening aims togetting exactly information. Secondly, when students exchange greetings in Englishwith a foreign friend, pleasantries and experiences with their foreignteachers, it illustrates that the purpose of listening is to maintain theirsocial relations. And after their homework has been done well, students come towatch television, drama, films, quiz shows, listen to radio comedy programs,English jokes, poems being read aloud, now the purpose of listening is to beentertained. Of course, there are some other purposes for which the students injunior middle school would listen. From above, we know the purposes of Englishlistening can broadly be classified into three groups: a) to extractinformation; especially the foreign news; b) to maintain social relations,particularly with foreign friends; and c) to be entertained. The three points arestudents’ major purposes of English listening in junior middle school. Knowingthe three basic purposes, and changing the attitude to English listening,students will naturally improve their listening ability.                          3.2Using some useful listening skills http://www.paper51.com
