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1. Introduction

  Reading involvesguessing, understanding, predicting, checking and asking oneself questions. Reading needs the abilityto understand the words and respond to them in proper ways. English reading hasalways been considered one of the most important parts of foreign languagelearning. Without reading, nothing can be done in the development of thecompetence in listening, speaking, writing and translating. Reading course is alarge component in many curriculums. In the light of it, teachers and studentsshould pay more attention to the activities’ importance of reading classes.

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 2. Theory of CommunicativeApproach and Psycholinguistic View 

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  Thecommunicative approach holds that “The main goal of most foreign languagelearning is to develop the ability to use real language to communicate andinteract with others, and the goal of foreign language teaching is to extendthe range of communicative situation in which the learners can perform withfocusing on meaning without being hindered by the attention he must pay tolinguistic form.” (Littlewood, 2002). In communicative teaching model, theclassroom is a main place to teach knowledge, a learner—centered. And communicativeactivities are performed between students and teachers, students and students.Efficient communication still depends on successful decoding to the “meaning”of the discourse. Other listeners should make out what the speaker wants to express.That is, efficient communication needs the successful decoding to the meaningof the talk. And, successful communication means that students have masteredhow to use the four skills. So, reading competence, which can be considered asa communication skill between the writer and reader; should fully be taken intoconsideration. paper51.com

Aswe all know, psychology guessing model was proposed by Goodman (1967) who was afamous American linguist. Goodman (1967) thinks that reading is the guessingprocess of psychology language interacting with the language and the thought.On the basis of this outlook, the author used the words to express the meaning.The process of translating  deepstructure into top structure is called encoding. The reader accepts the wordsby visual organ and deals with it in brain, then translates the top structureinto the deep structure and tries to restore the author’s meaning. This processis called decoding, or, the understanding process what we usually said. Thepsycholinguists assume that if the reader has the ability to select thelanguage cues and to make use of grammar, context and common sense, the readercan guess the message the writer intends to convey. 内容来自www.paper51.com

  There aresomething similar both in the psycholinguistic view and communicative approach.Reader should be regarded as active of psycholinguistic process. A text has itspotential meaning. The reader needs to master the actual meaning of the text.The relationship between writers and readers may stand for this simple chart:


writer ® text  ® reader 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com


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