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摘 要

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英汉翻译时遇到的首要问题就是选词,因为单词除了字典释义之外,还有内涵意义、情感意义、搭配意义和文体意义,这些意义往往给翻译中词语的选择造成困难。并且词典并不是万宝全书,任何词典都有其局限性,词义并不是在词典中一查就得,即使是最详尽的词典,也不是完备无遗的,运用之不够,词语的选择还得自己去引申、衍化。为避免译词的误选,本文通过分析例子,探讨英译汉时影响词典释义选择的四个因素,建议英译汉时从文化背景、上下文、文体风格和词汇空缺进行斟酌。 http://www.paper51.com

关键词:英汉翻译;字典释义;词语选择 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com



Statement of Authorship …………………………………………………………...ⅰ

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Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................ⅱ copyright paper51.com

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………..ⅲ

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1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………..1

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2. Scholars'Opinion on Word Translation…………...............................................2

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3. Factors that Influence Word Choice ...….............................................................4

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3.1 Culture…………………………………….........................................................4 http://www.paper51.com

3.2 Context……………………………………........................................................6. paper51.com

3.3 Style……………………………….....................................................................8

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3.4 Lexical vacancy……………………………………...........................................9


4. Conclusion...............................................................................................................11

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1. Introduction 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Wordchoice in translation is a superb art, which requires not only elegance inform, but also accuracy in meaning. To grasp the exact meaning of words,translators often have to turn to various dictionaries for help. However, inthe use of dictionaries, they may find themselves faced with some problems.


Thefirst problem is of bilingual dictionaries, in which an English word is oftenprovided with several Chinese equivalents. For example,  in the Advanced Learner’sEnglish-Chinese Dictionary(sixth), under the entity of "furious", six equivalents are found: 狂怒的,暴怒的;激烈的,猛烈的,高速的,盛怒的 and in English-Chinese-AComparative Study(陈定安,1991,p182), another seven Chinese equivalents are listed: 怒气冲冲,满脸怒气,勃然大怒,火冒三丈,怒火中烧,大发雷霆,怒从心头起. In this case, how shouldwe choose a proper word for our translation?


Thesecond one is related to the meaning provided in the dictionary. As is known toall, a word has not only conceptual meaning but also different types ofassociative meaning. Usually, what the dictionary gives is only the conceptualmeaning of words.  Just coping thedenotative meaning directly from the dictionary may cause a loss in connotativemeaning,social meaning, affective meaning,reflective meaning, collocative meaning or thematic meaning. In this case, whatshould we do? copyright paper51.com

Thethird one is relevant to some new words that have not been collected into thedictionary. As is well known, it often takes many years of time to compile agood dictionary, while with the change of the world, new words keep emergingconstantly. So it often occurs that we cannot find the explanation of somewords in various dictionaries. In this case, what should we do? paper51.com

Tofind answers to the above questions, the author believes that we should startfrom the analysis of factors that affect the word choice in translation. Onlyafter we get a better understanding of those influences can we deal with theproblems more skillfully. Therefore, in the following part, the author willdiscuss the influence of culture, context, and style on word choice throughexample analysis after a review of previous scholars' opinions. It is hopedthat the article can help translators improve their translation quality.  http://www.paper51.com
