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指导教师姓名:     何  申  英   

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职        称:     副  教  授   

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单        位:     外国语学院   

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专 业 名 称 :     英 语 教 育  


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申请学位级别:     学      士   


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论文提交日期:     2011年4月   

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学位授予单位:    某某师范学院  


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An Analysis of the Symbol Signification of “The Loons” by Margaret Laurence

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Ge Rongyan

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He Shenying





A Thesis Submitted as a



Partial Fulfillment forthe Degree of



B.A. in English

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April . 2011




Statement of Authorship



Except where referenceis made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no material publishedelsewhere or extracted in whole or part from a thesis presented by me foranother degree or diploma.


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No other person’s workhas been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of the thesis.

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This thesis has not beensubmitted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any tertiaryinstitution.


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There are anumber of people to whom this thesis and its author owe a great deal over along period of time.

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Professor HeShenying, my supervisor, spares no time and energy, out of his heavy load ofteaching, and research commitments, to provide substantial guidance on mycareer as well as on this thesis. During the preparation of this paper, thedetailed advice and constant help from him have been both academicallyauthoritative and generous. I also wish to take this opportunity here to thankhim for opening up before me a world of wonders in English literature and aworld of surprises in literary criticism.



My specialthanks should also go to Miss Liu Yun who has given me the lesson named ThesisWriting. Without her strenuous efforts at explaining, I could not know how towrite and organize my thesis.


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Finally,I wish to thank my friends and my roommates accompanying me. During those days,they helped me to find many related materials and supported me in spirit.

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Thewriter of this paper uses symbolic skills to analyze the symbolism of thisstory The Loons by the well-knowncontemporary Canadian writer Margaret Laurence and its implied idea so thatreaders can have a better understanding of the significance of the story. Thispaper analyses various symbolic meanings from the following aspects: symbolicsignificance reflected in the story which consist of symbolic significance of The Loons, the fate of the loons equalto Piquette’s, the symbol of the loons’ fate, the symbol of the loons’ voiceand the symbol of final fate—the double tragedy of personality and society.Finally, This paper concludes thatthis story reflects the writer’s profound concern for human and ecology.   

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Key words: the loons;tragedy; symbol; the significance of symbolism


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Statement of Authorship………………………………………..…………....…....i

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Abstract………………………………………...…………………...........................…..iii http://www.paper51.com



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Contents.............................................................................................................. v



I. Introduction……………………………………….…..…..................….…...1


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II. Symbolic Significance Reflected in the Story…………………..................2

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 1.1 SymbolicSignificance of The Loons…………………………..................3

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1.2 The Fate of the LoonsEqual to Piquette’s……………………..……........4

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1.3 The Symbol of the Loons’ Fate…………….....………………...………...6

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1.4 The Symbol of theLoons’ Voice……… ……………………...……….....8

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1.5 The Symbol of Final Fate---The DoubleTragedy of Personality and social……………………………...…….....…………………..…….....10

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III. Conclusion…………………….…………..…………….…………...……10

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Thewell-known contemporary Canadian writer Margaret Laurence(1926- 1987) has a lot of works in her life, andreceives two Governor General’s Award for fiction. Her series of stories, which are basedon an imaginary western town called Manawaka, are recognized as the highestrepresentative of her literary achievements; among those short stories, “The Loons” is very famous and special. This storydescribes a minority Piquette girl in the mainstreamingsociety of Canada and reveals the existence of racial and genderdiscrimination. This story reflects a profound concern for human and ecologicalconcern. The Canadian writer Margaret Laurence's literary creation is based onthe theme of the communication and integration in a different race and culture.The author portrays the struggling on the edge of the mainstream cultural andsocial image of an Indian woman by sincere emotion, insight and delicate brushstrokes. In the story The Loons, thedisappearance of the loons in the process of human civilization reflects theecological dilemma caused by the natural ecology and human exploitationdevelopment.

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Thewriter of this paper uses symbolic skills to analyze the symbolism of thisstory and its implied idea so that readers can have a better understanding ofthe significance of the story. This paper analyses various aspects of featuresof the symbolic meaning, narrative perspective, and character art of the story.Symbolism is based on a connection between things, using the specific image ofsomeone or something to show some abstract concepts, ideas and emotions. It canmake the article show great foresight, implicitly profound. Using symbolismappropriately could turn some of the more abstract spiritual quality into theimage of concrete, which left a deep impression on the reader, giving the articlea meaning, and thus leaving the reader space to chew afterwards.



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II. Symbolic Significance Reflectedin the Story



In this paper, according to Margaret Laurence historical background, thewriter comments the short story The Loons, and thearticle focuses on the symbolicmeaning, especially in the story’s open-wire: Piquette miserable fate of the hero andfiction Dark line: diving birds’end. The writer comments the female tragedy,natural tragedy and vulnerable groups’ tragedy from those aspects.


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Margaret Laurence expresses the opposition of racialdiscrimination and the opposition of gender discrimination with a wealth ofexperience, broad vision, keen observation, and vivid brushwork to safeguardseries of theme; they are minority rights, environmental protection and so on,full of humane care and ecological concern.

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In addition to the appearance of characters, language anddirect description of the external environment to reflect the character’s destiny, the biggestfeature of The Loons is to usesymbolism. The author writes the story on the subject of The Loons, echoing actively the description of the characters sothat the text is concise, clear and full of tension. Although the full text is short, ithas shown a strong emotion.


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Symbol is one of those words that is often used in a confusingmanner. The confusion is increased by different scholars using the word to meanvery different things. A symbol is a person, place, orthing comes to represent an abstract idea or concept.  It is anything that stands for somethingbeyond itself. Somethingthat represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention,especially a material object used to represent something invisible. A symbol is a sign which has furtherlayers of meaning. In other words, a symbol means more than it literally says.

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The most important symbol doesnot reveal the relationship between two things, but makes people think and enriches the spiritual life, enhances people’s understanding of the issuesin pursuit. According to (Gao Fei), “In themodernist works, a symbol of style has been not only a means, it is itself avery important style with the help of human communication of various senses.Symbol often expresses the writer’s emotion, the inner emotional world and thespirit, emphasizing the metaphor to imply topics and other special things. In thestory of The Loons, the loon is thecenter of the article and the typical image of a symbol.”

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1.1  Symbolic Significance of The Loons

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The Loons is a short story by theCanadian woman writer Margaret Laurence with rich ideas. The Loons reflects the ecological and ethical crises between manand nature and among humans for conquest and criticizes the power ideologyembodied in the crises. It advocates the harmonious coexistence between man andnature and the establishment a new-type of ecological and ethical society wheredifferent races and classes, men and women can enjoy equality in development.

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Margaret's writingis succinct concentration, it often borrow appropriate symbols to express atheme. According to the author’s two feelings of scouting Diamond Lake, she revealsthe contingency of human’s life and the tragedy of a nation.The first time is to go to countryside on vacation with Piquette. She sits onthe small pier that her father has built idea, looking forward to the arrivalof loons. The second time is at the time when she hears the death of Piquettefrom mother; she spends several days at Diamond Lake. At that time the scenehas became very different and the villa has been sold; the surroundingmountains and lakes are also built by the government and have been turned intonational parks, shops, hotels, dance halls, cafes and so an. The story has twolines mixed together: one is the protagonistPiquette’s destiny; the other is the fate of loon. The two linesintersect, one reflecting the other. The fate of the loon is the symbol of thefate of Piquette. They are closely attached to each other, and their hearts are linked together. As the last sentence of thetext says, "it seemed to me now that in some unconscious and totallyunrecognized way, Piquette might have been the only one, after all, who hadheard the crying of the loons.” (Zhang Hanxi, Wang Lili. 1995, 6)



1.2 The Fateof the Loons Equal to Piquette’s

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In the story, wecan hear the calls of loons at the beginning and the ending of the article. The narrator invites Piquette togo to the lake to listen to the calls of the loons, she flatly refuses in theVilla of Diamond Lake. Thenarrator hears the calls of the loons at the moonlit night sitting on thebreakwater with her father.Her father sits beside her on the pier and they waited, without speaking. Thenthe loons begin their callings. They rise like phantom birds from the nests onthe shore, and fly out onto the dark still surface of the water. “No one candescribe that ululating sound, the crying of the loons, and no one who hasheard it can ever, forget it. Plaintive, and yet with a quality of chillingmockery, those voices belonged to a world separated by acons from our neatworld of summer cottages and the lighted lamps of home.” (Zhang Hanxi, Wang Lili. 1995, 6)

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 “The calls of theloons seem to symbolize the elegyfor human beings that nature has been destroyed.”(Gao Fei) “The small pier,which my father had built was gone, and in its place there was a large andsolid pier built by the government, for Galloping Mountain was now a nationalpark, and Diamond Lake has been re-named Lake Wapakata, for it was felt that anIndian name would have a greater appeal to tourists. The one store has becomeseveral dozen, and the settlement had all the attributes of a flourishingresort—hotels, a dance-hall, cafes with neon signs, the penetrating odours ofpotato chips and hot dogs.” At night, the lake at least was the same as it hadalways been, darkly shining and bearing within its black glass the streak ofamber that was the path of the moon. There was no wind that evening, andeverything was quiet all around me. It seemed too quiet, and then i realizedthat the loons were no longer here. I listened for some time, to make sure, butnever once did i hear that long-drawn call, half mocking and half plaintive,spearing through the stillness across the lake. As the human civilizationinvades, the Loons eventually lost their homes. They had gone away to some farplace of belonging. They had been unable to find such a place, and had simplydied out, having ceased to care any longer, whether they lived or not.”(Zhang Hanxi, Wang Lili. 1995, 6) Piquette has lived under theweight of that society so that her behavior is rude and having foul language. Her face is without expression,but also extremely sensitive. In order to shownarrators’ goodness to Piqurtte, the narrator repeatedly asks Piquette toexplore the nature, but she doesn’t care the narrator’s sincere invitation,even gives her a bad clod back. However, she is not the true Piquette. All ofher happiness and dignity have been deprived by the cruel life so that shebuilt a solid crust to protect herself. Just like the loons, in order to hidehuman beings, they migrate to Lake Wapakata. Under the cold outwardappearance, Piquette also has a heart of hoping to get an approval by white people. A few years later,when narrator sees her again and finds she has a startling change, not only shehas a beautiful appearance, and she becomes warm and cheerful. Piquette pretends to show off her joy that she will getmarried with a white guy. Atthat moment, the narratorreally recognizes her feeling. She eagerly desires getting the narrator’s response andlooks forward to getting narrator’s blessing of her marriage. In fact, shewants to get accepted by the white mainstream society for her identity. She wants to marrywith a white man to get rid of their double oppression, seeking toenter the whites’ center of mainstream society from the edge, and finds their ownidentity. Although she has married, her fate does not change. Her marriageended, and she takes two young children to return to her family of the abjectpoverty. She also becomes a sluttish and drinking woman. Because drinking ledto the final tragedy, she died in the flames with her two children.



The loon symbolizes the tragedy of women. In thestory of The Loons, the plaintive fate ofProtagonist is the open plot of the story; it encompasses theMargaret Laurence's concern for color people, and this work has always been connected by theunderlying plot at the ultimate end of the loons, and the loons lose theirshelters under the predatory exploitation of the human. They symbolize thathuman plunder the natural and oppress women in the society.

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1.3 The Symbol of the Loons’ Fate



In the art, the writer uses concise language and theseveral describing of the scene describing vividly portrait of Piquette wholives in the margins of society and has a complex female character. The writeruses the symbol which makes the story perfect, and reflects the author'sprofound literary skill.

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Piquette'sfamily has been residing in the Wachakwa Valley, near the town Manawaka, forover fifty years. She lives in nothing more than a shack and her family worksodd jobs in between the periods of relief payments. Sometimes the males in thefamily even get into trouble with the law by participating in bar fights. Thelocals from Manawaka consider her family to be "neither flesh and fowl,nor good salt herring. Since they are not pure Cree, the Cree of the GallopingMountain reservatio do not want them and due to their low socio-economicsituation, the other communities from Manawaka do not accept them either. Although Piqutte is in poor health, she hasn’t got a good condition to cure herself. Moreover, she must do thehousework for the whole family so that she has no time to take care herself. Piquette’s tragedy is not just an isolated phenomenon, andit symbolizes the indigenous minorities groups of the bottom of Canadiansociety. When the Whites invade, they lose their land and their homes, and theeconomic position slide into an underlying position. The racial discriminationpolicy that the whites set up make them lose their original social status andeven more devastating is the gradual loss of indigenous culture, and the entirenation will lose their foundation.



The living conditions of Piquette‘s family is a microcosmof the whole Canadian Métis. No clear identity, no basic rights, not tospecific life, they are struggling to live in the margins of society as theloon. Development of the society doesn’t bring to them the freedom anddemocracy, nor the health and the prosperity, but losing themselves in socialdisparities of widening progressively and finally lose the soul of the nation.


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In Canada, the loons are endangered creatures. Theirshrill, mocking voices and their fate reflect the status of Métis properly,don't them? Piquette’s fatethoroughly is similar to the fate of the loons. Piquette constantly seeks therecognition of mainstream society in her short life, finding their home ofhearts belong to and finding a place of non-discriminatory that is full of thespirit of love and warmth. However, when Piqueete realizes that she can notescape the cultural imprint and can not change herself, and even can not changethe fate of the Métis so that she does not hesitate to die for a fight ofequality.

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1.4 The Symbol of theLoons’ Voice

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Thecallings of loons symbolize a type and a value.The loon is aunique waterfowl in North American, and its sounds is pathetic, mournful, howland plaintive, as if they are crying. The loon is a natural symbol in thestory. Narrator goes to the Diamond Lake in the holiday with her family. Atnight, she hears the voice of the loons when she sits on the pier with herfather. “no one can ever describe that ululating sound, the crying of theloons, and no one who has heard it can ever, forget it. Plaintive, and yet witha quality of chilling, mockery, those voices belonged to a world separated byacons from our neat world of summer cottages and the lighted lamps of home.” (Zhang Hanxi, Wang Lili. 1995, 6) However, herfather seems to have a sense that the loons will lose their homes soon, so hetells her to remember the voice of the loons well before listening. He tellsher that a few years later, the lake will be built more villas, more and morepeople will come here, and the loons will leave the diamond lake.

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Just like the father’s prophesy, eightyears later everything is changing when she re-visits the Diamond Lake. “Thesmall pier which her father had built was gone, and in its place there was alarge and solid pier built by the government. The one store hadbecome several dozen, and the settlement had all the attributes of aflourishing resort.” (Zhang Hanxi, Wang Lili. 1995, 6) It has not been polluted by modern industrial so DiamondLake is a remote part suitablefor the loons to live. These so-called "civilizations" to come,seemingly bring to this land industrialization and modernization, actuallydestroying the natural harmony and tranquility original. The relative peace andquiet of nature is to break by the aggression of modern industrialcivilization, so when the narrator wants to listen again to the lake, she nolonger hears the voice coming across the quiet chirping of the lake. It is thenature that has suffered destroys by the human modem industrial civilization. “Nature is regarded as the matter that no right to speak andthe object of conquest and domination in the development of Westerncivilization, It was forced to become natural resources in the process of humanexploit. It isused to serve human needs and purposes, but these purpose and needs of nature are contrary to thehumans’ needs and purposes.” (JinLi,2004:58) The aphasia of theloons symbolizes nature’s aphasia under the strong attack of the human modern industrial civilization. “As the Tonnerres had increased, theirsettlement had been added to, until the clearing at the foot of the town hillwas a chaos of lean-tos, wooden packing cases, warped lumber, discarded cartyres, ramshackle chicken coops, and tangled strands of barbed wire and rustytin cans.” (ZhangHanxi, Wang Lili. 1995, 6)



1.5 The Symbol of FinalFate --The Double Tragedy of Personality and Society

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“Tragedy has threetypes. They are the tragedy of the fate, the tragedy of character and socialtragedies.” (Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788-1860) The story of The Loons has been linked by three tragedies. The first tragedy isthe fate tragedy of the loons and Piquette. This kind of tragedy also includesthe fate of Canadians and those ethnic minorities, because of their differencesof race and different languages, they were abused; the second is charactertragedy of Piqutte, and it is also the social tragedy. Low social status givesher a strong desire to enter white society. At the process of looking for asense of belonging, she falls into the vicious cycle of tragic situation:tragic situation--- struggle against her fate ---lose her ---entercircumstances that are more tragic. She is unable to extricate herself, and finally embarks on the road ofself-destruction. “She was up in court a couple of times---drunk anddisorderly, of course. The shack caught fire. Piquette didn’t get out, andneither did the children.” (ZhangHanxi, Wang Lili. 1995, 6)


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Piquette’s fate is very similar to the fate of theloons. Piquette searches for his soul destination in her short life; thespiritual home only has dignity without discrimination. In this way thesymbolic meaning of the loons in the story is memorable.



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   To sum up, basedon the study of the symbolic signification of the story The Loons by Margaret Laurence, the paper focuses on thesymbol significance reflected in the story. They are the symbolic significanceof The Loons, the fate of the loonsequal to Piquette’s, the symbol of the loons’ fate, the symbol of the loons’voice and the symbol of final fate. The most important symbol doesnot reveal the relationship between two things, but makes people think and therefore it enriches the spirituallife, deepens the meaning andenhances the understanding of the issues of a belief in pursuit. In the study of the symbol signification of The Loons by Margaret Laurence, this paper shows readers a variety ofsymbolic significations. Furthermore, it has shown that the writer of this story does not confine herself to her ownemotions and pursuits and she is full of the broad sense of historical missionand times. The writer also shows readers a world, plain but significant, thatis to say, the equal and free idea of “multiculturalism” which has beenhighlighted in her story, calling on people to pay more attention to the livesof the stratum people to alert potential hazard of the modern industrialcivilization. Because of my limited time and learning,the writer of this paper can only deal with what has beendiscussed above. However, there still exists many more to be solved about the thesis.



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