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摘 要


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关键词:《夏洛特的网》; 友谊; 夏洛特;威尔伯 http://www.paper51.com


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Statement of Authorship. i 内容来自www.paper51.com

Acknowledgments. ii copyright paper51.com

Abstract iii 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

摘  要... iv 内容来自www.paper51.com

I. Introduction. 1 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

A. Elwyn Brooks "E. B." White  1 paper51.com

B. The Background of Charlotte’sWeb  2

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II. Literature Review.. 4

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III. The Definition of the Term.. 4


IV. Analysis of Characters andRelationships. 5


A. Analysis of the Characters  5 copyright paper51.com

1. Analysis of Wilbur’s Character 5 http://www.paper51.com

2. Analysis of Charlotte’s Character 7 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3. Analysis of Fern’s Character 9 http://www.paper51.com

B. Analysis of the Relationships  9


1. The Relationship between Fern and Wilbur 9 内容来自www.paper51.com

2. The Relationship between Charlotte and Wilbur 10


Ⅴ. The Contrast between theTwo Kinds of Friendship. 11 内容来自www.paper51.com

VI. Conclusion. 12


Works Cited. ..13 copyright paper51.com



内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

.IntroductionA. Elwyn Brooks "E.B." White http://www.paper51.com

ElwynBrooks "E. B." White (July 11, 1899 – October 1, 1985) was anAmerican writer. A long-time contributor to The New Yorker magazine, healso wrote three famous children’s books: Charlotte's Web, StuartLittle , and The Trumpet of the Swan.


Personal life http://www.paper51.com

Whitewas born in Mt. Vernon, New York. He graduated from Cornell University with a Bachelor of Artsdegree in 1921. While at Cornell, he worked as editor of The Cornell DailySun. After graduation, White moved to Seattlewhere he wrote for The Seattle Times and Seattle Post-Intelligencerand worked as an ad man. He returned to New York City in 1924 (Walters 1).


Whitemarried Katharine Sergeant Angell in 1929. They had a son, Joel White. Whitelived both in New York City and on a farm in Maine. White died onOctober 1, 1985, at his farm home in North Brooklin, Maine. He was buried beside his wife at the Brooklin Cemetery (Walters 1-2).




Whitepublished his first article in The New Yorker magazine in 1925, and thenjoined the staff in 1927 and continued to contribute for six decades.


Inthe late 1930s, White started writing children's fiction. His first children'sbook, Stuart Little, was published in 1945, and Charlotte's Webappeared in 1952. In 1970, White published his third children's novel, TheTrumpet of the Swan. In 1949, White published This Is New York. In1959, White edited and updated The Elements of Style. In 1978, White wonan honorary Pulitzer Prize for his work as a whole. Other awards he receivedincluded a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963 and memberships in a varietyof literary societies throughout the United States (Walters 1). copyright paper51.com

B. The Background of Charlotte’s Web

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