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 2.1.2Tutoring Strategies to shift the role to be playmate


Because languagelearners at this age acquire knowledge well through anything presentedgraphically and directly, games-playing is the most effective tutoringstrategy.  This includes playinggames or doing activities, either indoors or outdoors, which enables a tutee totouch, look, and move his body. The tutor and tutee become playmates in thegames. And what the tutor should do is to participate in the new games andpresent objects directly. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

When considering playingindoor games, such as in the living room, and in the bedroom, all facilitiesshould be well applied.  To createlearning environment for language acquisition, the style of the room should bebright, with wall pictures of the English alphabet and composite animalpictures on the floor. copyright paper51.com

Examples of optimalindoor games are given as making a birthday card, painting pictures aboutanimals and plants and then painting them with a coloring brush, and countingnumbers with colorful cards. When tutor and tutee are playing games, some wordsshould be repeated on purpose but not more than seven to ten words each day, orelse tutee may lose interest in concentrating or may become frustrated so theyare no longer able to memorize these words. Only one object should be presentedat a time in order to give the tutee an opportunity to look and touch. http://www.paper51.com

Outdoor games, on theother hand, are a little bit difficult to apply, but can be done. Learning newwords about the surrounding is the major objective. Going shopping as anexample, tutee is able to acquire words of products for daily life and thenumbers about price. 内容来自www.paper51.com

  However, another issue should be emphasized is the vocabulary employedto the child on this level. Diane Philips, et al (Oxford: 2000) claimed thatthe main vocabulary areas for children are plants, fruits, animals, colors,parties, food and beverages, numbers, people, and parts of the body. OtherEnglish words are much complicated.

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    Children at this age, from 4to 8, are labeled as excellent learners if they are able to speak out thesewords without any hesitation and assistance. As soon as they go to school toattend English lessons from grade three, these words are the best foundationfor further language acquisition. 内容来自www.paper51.com

