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Second,transfer is not simply interference. Odlinclaims that the interference of L1 can be positive and negative. Interferenceimplies no more than negative transfer, which is contrast to the positivetransfer. Although the interference of learners’ native language exists in theprocess of learning, the interference of cognate vocabulary or othersimilarities between the native and target language is facilitating theacquisition of second language. http://www.paper51.com

Third,transfer is not simply a falling back on the negative transfer. Krashen (1983:148) claims that transfer can be regarded aspadding or the result of falling back on old knowledge and it cannot helpacquisition. Odlin criticized Krashen’sextreme assertion by listing four problems in Krashen’sstatement. He argues that native language influence also interacts with otherinfluences, which sometimes makes it hard to distinguish transfer from otherinfluences. http://www.paper51.com

Finally,Odlin believes that transfer is not always nativelanguage influence because there exists the possibility that knowledge of threeor more languages leading to three or more different kinds of source languageinfluence. Odlin makes a working definition oftransfer on the basis of above discussion:


Transferis the influence resulting from similarities and differences between the targetlanguage and any other language that has been previously (and perhaps imperfectly)acquired. (Odlin, 1989:27) 内容来自www.paper51.com

Thoughit is only a working definition and the word influence is somewhat vague, Ellis(1994) thinks that it is still acceptable. In English language teaching,language transfer has been a controversial topic and more linguisticresearchers have a better and comprehensive understanding of it. Transfer ismeant “the influence resulting from the similarities and differences betweenthe English language and mother tongue which has been previously acquired.” http://www.paper51.com

In somany definitions of language transfer, I’d prefer to agree with Odlin’s definition of it. That is “transfer is theinfluence resulting from similarities and differences between the targetlanguage and any other language that has been previously (and perhaps imperfectly)acquired”. And I think that similarities between the mother tongue and otherlanguages can let learners feel the language is easy to learn. By the contrast,differences between the target language and any other language can let learnersfeel the languages are difficult to learn. In my opinion, language transferexists in any learner’s language learning; no matter it is first languagelearning, second language learning or third language learning. Where there is alearning process, there is a language transfer. copyright paper51.com

1.2 ResearchMotives http://www.paper51.com

   The purpose of this study isto give an analysis of the Transfer on Hani Students’ English Learning in Yuxi Normal University. And to usethe result of the study which focuses on the learning process of languagetransfer on Hani English language learners. By doingthis study, the author expects to offer some suggestionsfor learners to learn and for teachers to improve teaching methods. copyright paper51.com
