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Statement of authorship………………………………………………..i 内容来自www.paper51.com

Acknowledgments……………………………………………………..ii 内容来自www.paper51.com



摘要…………………………………………………………………....iv 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

1.Introduction………………………………………………………… 1


2.Themix of second-hand and third-hand manner of narration. ….…...1 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

   2.1. The two narrators of the novel………………………………..……..2 内容来自www.paper51.com

   2.2 The application of thesecond-hand manner of narration……….……….2 paper51.com

   2.3 The application of the third-handmanner of narration……….…………3 paper51.com

   2.4 The mix of second-handand third-hand manner of narration……….…...3 paper51.com

3.Theduality of structures in the novel…………………………………6 http://www.paper51.com

4.The dual personalities of protagonists………………………………..7


4.1 Heathcliff’s love andenmity………………………………………….8


4.2 Catherine’s dualpatterns of love………………………………………10 copyright paper51.com

5.Conclusion…………………………………………………………....11 内容来自www.paper51.com


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1. Introduction


Wuthering Heights, the great novel by Emily Bronte,though not inordinately long is a combination of childhood fantasies,friendship, romance and revenge. But this story is not a simple story ofrevenge; it has more profound implications. As Arnold Kettle, the Englishcritic, said, “Wuthering Heights is an expression in the imaginative terms ofart of the stresses and tensions and conflicts, personal and spiritual, ofnineteenth-century capitalist society.” (《英美文学选读》, 张伯香, 2002:140) Thecharacters of Wuthering Heights embody the extreme love and extreme hate of thehumanity. That extreme love and extreme hate mix together make the novel takeon the thick dramatic color. Love and hate is one of the conflicts in WutheringHeights. Hate can’t make the love disappear, love is stronger than hate. Thisis the theme of the novel. The wide employment of duality in many aspects inthis works is another notable feature, such as the duality of the protagonists’character, which has been studied by most scholars, While the dual structureand the mixed use of second-hand and third-hand manner of narration are otherdistinct application of duality. Duality means being twofold or aclassification into two opposed parts or subclasses. If you read my essay, youwill understand the real meaning of duality. 内容来自www.paper51.com

2.The mix of second-hand andthird-hand manner of narration

In a novel the effect ofa narrator gives the reader an intimate but subjective account of events. Itremoves the omniscience of the author and the possibility of objectivity. Wecan take nothing for granted and must be wary of forming judgments on the basisof what we are told and how we are told it.

2.1 The two narrators of the novel    The events of Wuthering Heightsare mediated through two narratorsLockwood opens and concludes, and we rely onNelly Dean for the rest. That is the mixed use of second-hand and third-handmanner of narration. Nothing is ever related simply from the perspective of asingle participant. Instead, the story is told through entries in Lockwood’sdiary, but Lockwood does not participate in the events he records. The vastmajority of the novel represents Lockwood’s written recollections of what hehas learned from the testaments of others, whether he is transcribing what herecalls of Catherine’s diary entry or recording his conversations with NellyDean. Because of the distance that this imposes between the reader and thestory itself, it is extremely important to remember that nothing in the book iswritten from the perspective of an unbiased narrator, and it is often necessaryto read between the lines in order to understand events.

2.2 Theapplication of the second-hand manner of narration

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