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Poetry has special formal pattern requirement. How to achieveunity of form and spirit in poetry translation has long been the focus ofargument. Different people have different opinions about the issue. Some peoplethink it is impossible to achieve unity of form and spirit and some think it ispossible but hard to reach the standard. In this paper, I make an analysis of sixtranslation versions of the Chinese poem “Autumn Thoughts” and draw aconclusion that literal translation is the primary method translators used toretain the form of the original poem and the poem translator often has tocompromise between retaining the form and the content of the poems.

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Keywords: form; spirit; unity;Chinese poem; translation paper51.com

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创性声明... i


Acknowledgments. ii 内容来自www.paper51.com

Abstract iii


摘 要... iv copyright paper51.com

1. Introduction. 1


2. Translation of poetry. 2

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2.1 Literal translation. 2 http://www.paper51.com

2.2 Free translation. 3 paper51.com

3. The analysis of Chinese poem“Autumn Thoughts”. 4 paper51.com

3.1 Content 4


3.2 Theme and tone. 5

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3.3 Form.. 6

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4. Comparison of the six Englishversions. 7


4.1 Definition of form.. 7


4 .1.1 Syntax. 8

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4.1.2 Vision Form.. 9 内容来自www.paper51.com

4.1.3 Parallel structure. 10

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4.1.4 Punctuation marks. 11


4.2 Spirit 12 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

4.2.1 Diction. 12


4.2.2 Content and tone. 14 copyright paper51.com

4.2.3 Ambiguity. 15 内容来自www.paper51.com

5. Conclusion. 16


References. 19

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1. Introduction http://www.paper51.com

  Before any detailed discussion is made about the translation of Chinesepoems, it is necessary to clarify the origin of Chinese verses. China has along-standing culture and is called the country of poetry (樊篱,1990). The poem is one of the oldest literary styles (张春柏,2003). Poems are believed to stem from people’swork and life. To express their emotion and feelings people sometimes croonedsomething. The things people crooned are called ballad or folk song which isregarded as oral literary of poems. Later, poems are developed into a specialliterary genre. http://www.paper51.com

However,what is poem? There are numerous definitions, but none of them seems to beperfect. Generally speaking, poem can be defined as a meaningful group of wordsthat express people’s mind and the feature of certain period. It has thecharacteristics of refined language, plentiful content, profound significanceand special language combination. Poets try their best to choose poem’s form,language and setting in order to stimulate readers’ imagination. Because ofthese features, it is difficult for us to translate poetry. But it is alsobecause of these features that to certain extent, people can understand acountry, a people and an epoch by studying its various poems. Chinese poetry isthe symbol of China.Therefore, it is unavoidable to translate them into English in order to developour culture.

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 Then how can we translate Chinese poems successfully?There are many different opinions about the translation of poetry. Some peoplehold that poetry is untranslatable, but others believe that it is translatable.And the argument about translatability has much to do with the form and spiritof the poem. In this paper, I choose six versions of “Autumn Thoughts” for ananalysis, trying to find out the possibility of reaching unity of form andspirit. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

2. Translation of poetry


Sofar as the translation of poetry is concerned, the aim of the translator is tomaintain the beauty of the original poem in form, sound, and meaning. Amongthose who advocate the translatability of poems, there are still disputes abouthow to reproduce the original satisfactorily and successfully. copyright paper51.com

InA Textbook of English-Chinese Chinese-English Translation, Zhang Chunbo(张春柏,2003) sets forward that the translatorshould keep the form of poem. That means a poem should be translated into apoem, not other literary forms such as prose. The content should be lined. The correspondingpunctuation should be used to maintain the original word and line units.Moreover, the translator should make every effort to reserve the pattern of theoriginal. Finally, he holds that the poem should retain sound beauty of theoriginal.


2.1 Literal translation 内容来自www.paper51.com

Literaltranslation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and style of theentire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech andmain sentence structures or patterns such as, SV, SVO, SVC, SVA, SVOO, SVOC,SVOA formulated by Randolph Quirk. (Liu Zhongde,1991). As for the literaltranslation of the poem, I hold that translator should translate the originalwork not only word- for- word but also sentence- for –sentence. Here is anexample of literal translation of poem: 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
