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The paper focuses on the differences between topicand title in English writing. So it discusses the differences between them by 3steps. The first is the different definitions of them; the second is that thescope of topic and title are different. Generally speaking, the scope of topicis always larger than the scope of title; the third is that the relationshipbetween content and topic, and the relationship between content and title. The relationshipbetween content and topic is always farther than the relationship betweencontent and title. The content of a writing maybe just some aspect of thetopic, it cannot illustrate the topic well. Since all the differences betweentopic and title have been known, the paper discusses how to choose a good titlefor an English writing. That is doing a clustering for the writingaccording the topic first, then writing a composition with any aspect that theauthor can do in detail, at last giving the writing a title according what hehas written. 内容来自www.paper51.com

Keywords:  topic; title; English writing              内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

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这篇论文聚焦于主题和标题在英语写作中的不同。为了阐释清楚它们之间的关系,这篇论文从三个方面着手论述。第一点是二者各自定义的不同,第二点是两者范围的不同。一般来说,在主题已经给出的作文题目里,主题的范围会比文章的标题大得多,并且文章的内容很可能只是主题的一个很小的方面。第三点是主题`标题各自和文章之间的疏密关系有所不同,主题与文章内容的关系往往比标题与文章内容的关系疏远得多。在了解所有主题和标题之间的不同之后,论文针对如何为文章选一个合适的标题而进行阐述,使主题和标题的困惑不再影响英语写作。方法就是先做一个联想,将所有可能联想得到的,关于该主题的内容全部写下来,再围绕作者有可能详细阐述的方面进行论述, 最后根据已经写好的内容选择关键词作为文章的标题。


关键词:  主题; 标题;  英语写作

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Statementof Authorship. i 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Acknowledgements. ii


Abstract iii


摘 要... iv paper51.com

1.    Introduction. 1 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

2.Subject and research. 1 copyright paper51.com

2.1Main research:  The differencesbetween topic and title in English writing. 1


2.2Research scope. 2 内容来自www.paper51.com

3.Literature review.. 2


4. The analysis of the data and results. 5


4.1 The analysis of the data list 1: 5 内容来自www.paper51.com

4.2 The analysis of data chart 1: 6 copyright paper51.com

4.3The analysis of chart 2: 9 copyright paper51.com

5.The differences between topic and title. 9 paper51.com

6.Conclusions. 15


References. 17 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Appendix. 18



1.      Introduction copyright paper51.com

NowadaysEnglish writings have been covering a large part of the scores in all kinds ofexaminations, such as CET4 and CET6, TEM4 and TEM 8. Because people have beenpaying more and more attention to the integrated skills in English learning,writing becomes one of the most useful ways to examine the skills. Then many famousscholars began to write their own books on English writing. They cover how tochoose a topic, how to write a good practical writing and writing procedures.They have divided the writings into narrations, descriptions, argumentations,and expositions, and that is really good for students to follow. Liu Shangfuand Yu Shiqi are the most outstanding ones who have given some nice adviceabout the English writing. However, few people pay attention to therelationship between topic and title, some people may not choose a good titlefor their English writing. In another aspect, especially they may be confusedwhen they face a topic given composition, because they don’t know whether theyshould use the topic as the title or give another title which can generalizethe key point of the writing. So this paper will focus on the reason why peoplemake mistakes when they choose their own titles in English writing, then itwill explain how to choose a good title for a topic given English writing.

copyright paper51.com

2. Subject and research2.1 Main research:  The differences between topic and titlein English writing paper51.com

Moststudents write compositions or English writings, but do all of them know aboutthe definitions of topic and title well? Do they understand clearly therelationship between them? Do they know how to choose a suitable title fortheir English writings?

