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摘 要:通过问卷调查、实地考察等方法对文兴乡15所农村小学的体育场地、器材设施的现状进行实地调查研究。结果显示:文兴乡农村小学体育场地器材设施配备情况不容乐观,多数小学的场地器材配置严重不足,远远不能够达到《小学体育器材设施目录》的要求和标准,难以满足学生每天体育锻炼的需求。希望本文的调查研究能得到有关部门的重视,试图为改善宣威市文兴乡农村小学体育场地器材设施状况提供有利的参考依据。 内容来自www.paper51.com

关键词: 宣威市 农村小学 体育设施 内容来自www.paper51.com

Man Hing Township,Xuanwei City Sports Facilities in Rural PrimarySchool Survey http://www.paper51.com

Abstract: Through questionnaires, site visits and other methods of Man Hing Township, rural primaryschools in 15 sports, the status of equipment and facilities to conduct fieldresearch. The results show: Man HingTownship, sports equipment and facilities in rural primary schools with asituation is not optimistic, the majority of primary acute shortage of venuesand equipment configuration, far achieved "School sports equipment andfacilities directory " of the requirements and standards, to meet thedaily physical activity of students Needs. I hope this survey of the relevant departments to getattention, trying to improve the text Hing Township,Xuanwei sports equipment and facilities in rural primary schools to provide afavorable reference for the situation. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Key word:  Rural PrimarySchool Sports Facilities Xuanwei http://www.paper51.com

1  前言

copyright paper51.com

学校体育是全民体育的基础,又是国家发展体育教育事业的战略重点,肩负着积极发展学生体育教育素质的重要使命,在“素质教育”中占有非常重要的比重。但由于我国地域广阔,民族众多,东西部地区地理、气候和环境差异较大,经济文化发展水平极不平衡,这种状况决定了农村和城镇小学体育教育发展的差异性。农村小学普遍基础设施差、资金少的状况又使穷国办大教育的任务更为艰巨。农村小学体育教学资源以及体育场地设施的合理开发与利用,是实施新课程教学改革的一个重要环节,是实现我国体育教育事业可持续发展战略的一个重要课题。本文对宣威市文兴乡农村小学体育设施现状进行调查,意在引起人们对农村贫困地区学校体育教育的高度重视,并为农村小学体育教育的健康发展提供依据。 copyright paper51.com
