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本系统的开发利用Microsoft SQL Server2012作为本系统的数据库,它是一个支持多用户的新型数据库,适用于大中规模的数据量需求。学校校园网的建设也为新系统服务器/客户端的结构提供了硬件的支持。
使用Visual Studion.net作为系统开发的开发环境,它提供完善的指令控制语句、类与对象的支持及丰富的数据类型,给开发高性能系统提供的保障为开发满足客户要求的系统,保证了代码的模块化要求,而代码模块化的提高,非常有利于以后对新系统的扩展与修改。 内容来自www.paper51.com

关键词 ASP.Net2.0,小说,下载,SQL Server2012;

In recent years, the increasing of the novel, the novel species is also a corresponding increase in the amount of information about a variety of fiction is also multiplied in the face of the huge amount of information, the traditional manual way of management will lead to novel types of management confusion, excessive waste of human and material resources and the loss of readers to the novel from the issue of limitations that affect the operation and control of the entire novel management, therefore, must develop a reasonable, effective, standardized and practical novel management system, Books centralized data management. The overall design of system development goal is to achieve the systematic library management, standardization and automation of the library to achieve centralized management of information, so I seize the disadvantages ~ efforts to fight for more readers to provide a platform for reading ! So that more readers to enjoy the pleasure of reading! And convenient to the general reader to find! Also specially set up to find ways! Is a fun read not only become a fashion ~ ~ more Readers can not only single from the previous conservative access to information on the contents of the book is more of the network ~ ~ the novel human specific! To read the novel becomes easy and fast! paper51.com
The system development and utilization Microsoft SQL Server2012 as the database of the system, it is a novel multi-user database for large and medium-scale data needs. The construction of the school campus for the new system server / client architecture provides hardware support.
System development using Visual Studion.net as a development environment that provides complete command control statements, class and object support and rich data types, to develop high-performance system provides protection for the development of systems to meet customer requirements, ensure code modular requirements and improve the code modular, very beneficial to the new system after the expansion and modification.
Paper introduces the development background of this issue, systems analysis, database design and system design and implementation.
Key words ASP.Net2.0, novels, download, SQL Server2012

目录 copyright paper51.com
摘要 1
Abstract 2
一 绪  论 4
1.1课题背景 4
1.2 系统现状 4
1.3用户的要求 4
二 开发工具简介 6
2.1开发工具简介 6
2.1.1 ASP.NET 简介 6
2.1.2 HTML简介 8
2.2 研究步骤、方法及措施: 9
2.3数据库系统选择 10
2.4 开发方法的选择 11
2.5 可行性分析 12
2.5.1技术可行性 13
2.5.2 经济可行性 13
2.5.3 操作可行性 14
三 系统设计 15
3.1 数据库设计 15
3.2 系统详细设计 16
3.3 各模块功能概述 16
3.3.1登陆模块 17
3.3.2管理员模块 17
3.3.3前台模块 18
3.3.4小说阅读下载 20
四 系统测试 22
4.1单元测试 22
五 总结与展望 23
六 结束语 24
主要参考文献 25