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摘  要

With the development of society, information network has become the main theme of the times. In the modern society, people travel by plane has become fashionable, fast, comfortable aircraft and thoughtful service for more and more people choose to aircraft for the long distance transportation tool, which makes the airline and airport workload is bigger and bigger, if still using the file or manual for the management of the company, the airport, the aircraft, the flight, route, customers and ticket information, it will undoubtedly greatly in efficiency, in the fierce competition, the era of time is money, which is not accord with the trend of the times, can not meet the needs of the consumers, therefore, speed up the management company, airport, aircraft, flights, routes, customers and ticketing the efficiency of information processing will be a necessary demand.
内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

This study compares the status analysis of airline flight booking industry and the existing Airlines flight booking system, in view of the special nature of airline flight booking industry, designed a set of Web Airlines flight booking system based on. The front of the system using JSP as the development language, MySQL as the database management system, the development environment is MyEclipse, the server using tomcat, flight booking system of a B/S structure to develop the airlines.
Keywords: JSP,Database,B / S structure

目  录
摘  要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景与意义 1
1.2开发工具及技术 1
1.2.1开发工具 1
1.2.2 JSP技术 2
1.2.3 JavaScript 3
1.3软硬件需求 4
第二章 系统分析 5
2.1可行性分析 5
2.1.1技术可行性 5
2.1.2经济可行性 5
2.1.3操作可行性 5
2.1.4法律可行性 6
2.2功能模块分析 6
2.3设计的基本思想 8
2.4性能需求 9
2.4.1系统的安全性 9


2.4.2数据的完整性 9
2.5界面需求 9
第三章 数据库设计 11
3.1数据库的分析与设计 11
3.1.1数据库的概念结构设计 11
3.1.2数据库的逻辑结构设计 13
3.1.3数据库的连接原理 15
3.2中文乱码问题处理 17
第四章 系统功能实现 20
4.1会员注册功能 20
4.2登录页面设计 20
4.3管理员主页面 23
4.4修改登录密码 23
4.5系统公告管理模块 24
4.5.1系统公告录入 24
4.5.2系统公告管理 25
4.6列车信息管理 25
4.6.1列车信息添加 25
4.6.2列车信息管理 27
4.7会员信息管理 27
4.8订票信息管理 28
4.9用户订票模块 28
4.9.1预定机票功能 28
4.9.2订票信息管理 29
第五章 系统测试 31
5.1系统测试目的与意义 31
5.2测试过程 31
5.2.1主页面的登录模块测试 31
5.3其他错误 32
结  论 33
参考文献 34
致  谢 35
