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随着因特网的不断普及,使旅游信息的流转不再受时间、空间的限制,旅游资源的拥有者(如航空公司、宾馆、旅行社等)和最终的旅游消费者之间能够建立起更紧密的关系。 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com



作为旅游业三大支柱之一的旅行社担负着组合旅游产品、并直接向旅游消费者推介和销售的职能,同时又担负着向旅游产品供应企业及时反馈旅游市场需求的功能。旅行社的这一中介地位决定其收集信息、传递信息、综合利用信息的重要性。因特网将旅行社推向变革的大潮之中。旅游电子商务的发展势在必行,而针对我国现阶段的旅游电子商务发展水平问题百出,若不找出我国的旅游电子商务发展的问题和我省旅游电子商务发展的问题,在企业电子商务信息化地过程中将难于前进,而旅行社不改变经营机制,转换服务功能,积极开拓新的业务,旅行社将被订房中心、信息交流中心等网上的信息服务机构所取代。 copyright paper51.com

关键词:旅游产业、电子商务、现状分析 copyright paper51.com



As the internet arepopular tourist information, so no longer time and space limitation, theresource owner ( such as airline and hotel,travel agencies and other ), and eventually the consumeris able to establish a closer relationship

copyright paper51.com

CNN published in the global data : about 8500万 million above enjoyed the site ; the global electronic commerce for five consecutive years by 350%above the speed of development. china internet information center (cnnic) in beijing publishing thearticle on china's internet development of statistical reports. http://www.paper51.com

Report shows, at 30 june 2006, the number ofinternet users reached 1.23亿, compared withthe same period last year have increase by 19.4% of the internet service in thenumber of internet users for 7700万, all web users inproportion to the 2 3. the internet using this survey more frequent user is16.5 per a week online, the new historical high. the data have been more than alot of the developed countries and regions. the average internet user


As the three pillars ofthe shoulder, and combination of the products directly to the consumer topromote and sell, and undertakes to provide timely feedback the productscorporate travel market demand. the function of the intermediate position todetermine the collection of information, delivering information, the importanceof the comprehensive use of the information. the internet will travel to changethe economy of。Tour of e-commerce developmentin china, and it is imperative at this stage of electronic commerce developmentof the problem, if you don't find our tour of the development of e-commerce ande-business your tour to the development of the problem, the enterprisee-commerce and information to the process will be difficult to travel, and notchange the operation mechanism and a translator service. actively seeking newbusiness, the travel service will be the reservation center, informationexchange center online information services for.

copyright paper51.com

Keywords: tourism industry, electronic commerce, thepresent analysis

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目   录 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

引言. 6

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

1 国内旅游网站的发展现状. 6 paper51.com

1.1国内旅游网站存在的问题. 6 copyright paper51.com

1.2发展我国旅游业电子商务的对策. 8 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

1.3国内旅游电子商务网站模式. 9 http://www.paper51.com

2 云南省旅游电子商务网站发展现状. 9


2.1云南旅游电子商务网站面临的主要问题. 9 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

2.2云南旅游电子商务市场营销的现状对策. 10 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3 电子商务旅游运营模式. 11 paper51.com

3.1鼠标+水泥+传统旅游业务. 11

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3.2.水泥+鼠标+新型旅游业务. 12

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.3.专业搜索服务. 12 paper51.com

3.4.增值服务. 12 copyright paper51.com

4 旅游电子商务市场的未来发展. 13


4.1旅游电子商务的发展趋势. 13


4.2 建立云南旅游电子商务市场营销中的规范性和统一性. 13 paper51.com

4.3 移动通信设备加入旅游电子商务. 13


结语. 14 paper51.com

参考文献. 15

